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Orhan H, Commandeur JNM, Sahin G, Aypar U, Sahin A, Vermeulen NPE. Use of 19F-nuclear magnetic resonance and gas chromatography-electron capture detection in the quantitative analysis of fluorine-containing metabolites in urine of sevoflurane anaesthetized patients. Xenobiotica 2004; 34: 301-316.
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Sahin A, Dal D, Ocal T, Aypar U: A review of airway management in five cases of mucopolysaccaridosis with cervical spine involvement. Neurosciences 2005; 10: 103-105.
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Sahin A, Salman MA, Salman AE, Aypar U: Effect of body temperature on peripheral venous pressure measurements and its agreement with central venous pressure in neurosurgical patients. J Neurosurg Anesthesiol 2005; 17: 91-96.
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Sahin, A., Celebi, N., Dogan, R., Canbay, O., Uzumcugil, F., Aypar, U. Lumbar sympathetic blockade in a patient with cutis marmorata telangiectatica congenita. Paediatric Anaesthesia 2006; 16: 1292-3.
Canbay, O, Çelebi, N., Karagoz, A.H., Saridemir, B., Uzumcugil, F., Sahin, A., Aypar, U. Anesthetic management of a patient with hemophagocytic syndrome. Paediatric Anaesthesia 2007; 17: 812-4.
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Tarhan Ö., Canbay Ö., Çelebi N., Uzun S., Sahin A., Coskun F., Aypar Ü. Subhypnotic doses of midazolam prevent nausea and vomiting during spinal anesthesia for cesarean section. Minerva Anestesiol 2007; 73: 629-33.
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Celebi N, Canbay O, Aycan IO, Sahin A, Aypar U. Mercury intoxication and neuropathic pain. Paediatr Anaesth. 2008 May;18(5):440-2.
Aydin GB, Coskun F, Sahin A, Aypar U. Influence of sevoflurane and desflurane on neurological and adaptive capacity scores in newborns. Saudi Med J. 2008 Jun;29(6):841-6.
Ayhan, B. Yuruk, K, Koene, S, Sahin, A, Ince, C, Aypar, U. THE EFFECTS OF NON-LEUKOREDUCED RED BLOOD CELL TRANSFUSIONS ON MICROCIRCULATION IN MIXED SURGICAL PATIENTS. INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE Volume: 36 Supplement: 2 Pages: S86-S86 Meeting Abstract: 0004 Published: SEP 2010
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Orhan H, Sahin A, Sahin G, Aypar U, Vermeulen NPE. Urinary lipid and protein oxidation products upon halothane, isoflurane, or sevoflurane anesthesia in humans: potential biomarkers for a subclinical nephrotoxicity. Biomarkers 2013; 18: 73-81.
Ayhan B, Yuruk K, Koene S, Sahin A, Ince C, Aypar U. The effects of non-leukoreduced red blood cell transfusions on microcirculation in mixed surgical patients. Transfusion and apheresis science 2013; 49 (2), pp. 212-222.
Sahin A, Aydin L, Richarz U. Chronic pain in cancer and non-cancer patients in Turkey and the subjective impact on life. JOURNAL OF PAIN (Suppl) 2013; 14(4): S14
Sahin A, Ersoy Z. Splanchnic nerve neurolysis for chronic pain in lupus peritonitis. JOURNAL OF PAIN (Suppl) 2013; 14(4): S63
Arun, O, Canbay, O, Celebi, N, Sahin, A, Konan, A, Atilla, P, Aypar, U. The analgesic efficacy of intra-articular acetaminophen in an experimental model of carrageenan-induced arthritis. Pain Research and Management Volume 18, Issue 5, September 2013, Pages e63-e67