Foot pain

The foot is a complex structure consisting of 26 bones, 33 joints and more than 120 muscles, ligaments and nerves. Functions of the foot; It lifts the weight of the body, acts as shock absorber, contributes to stabilization. As the feet are smaller than the other parts of the body, each step puts an excessive burden on them. This load is 50% more than the body weight. A person takes 8000-10000 steps a day. This means that the feet are exposed to several hundred tons of weight each day. Foot pain is an important problem of modern life. In a study conducted in the United States, 75% of the population reported experiencing foot pain at any stage of their life. Important parts of foot pain are non-natural shaped (thin-nosed, high-heeled) shoes that do not sit properly on the foot.
General causes of foot pain:
Bunions - A protrusion is formed beneath the toes of your foot. It can be inflamed. The reasons are usually fine-tipped shoes.
Hammer fingers - Toes look downward.
Heel height
Flat bottom
Morton neuroma - more common in women than in men
Stress fractures
Gut - more frequent than the thumb. Redness is swelling and tenderness.
Plantar fasiitis
Bone spur
Heel scholarship
In the treatment that can be done at home on foot pain:
After an activity that increases pain, ice can be applied to reduce swelling and pain.
The painful foot is kept as high as possible.
Activity should be limited until the problem is solved.
Insoles can be used if there is friction or compression.
Pain medications such as paracetamol and ibuprofen may be taken. These medications can be used for 2-3 weeks. Those with ulcers can be harmful to their use in patients suffering from liver and kidney problems. The doctor should be consulted.
The corn can be softened by pouring warm water and cleaned with ponza stone. Cutting and burning of calluses is inconvenient.
It is often necessary to have a long rest period in the foot pain due to stress fractures.
Insoles in plantar fasciitis may be beneficial.
When should a doctor be consulted?
Situations in which a doctor should be consulted in case of foot pain:
Sudden and severe pain
If the pain develops after a trauma - especially if there is bleeding, abrasion, deformity and the pain is intensifying when stood on.
If you have rash or swelling in the joint, open wound or fever
If you have diabetes or vascular disease and a new foot pain starts.
If you do not see benefit in 1-2 weeks with your own treatments
Efforts are made to prevent foot aches. Some measures to protect against foot pain:
• Wear comfortable and appropriate footwear
• Choose footwear which is adequate for the toes
• Try to wear sports shoes especially when walking.
• Avoid skirts and high heels.
• Change running shoes frequently.
• Perform warm-up movements before and after exercise.
• Gradually increase the number of exercises.
• If you are overweight, lose weight.
• Learn exercises that will strengthen your legs and relieve pain. These exercises can reduce the development of flat foot and other foot problems.
• Try to keep the foot dry.
• If you have gout disease, try not to drink alcohol.